Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Night Visitor

One day in the little house with the long legs down by the creek... there was a loud noise in the middle of the night. Moon Girl opened her eyes in bed and stared into the darkness above her listening intently. She was trying to determine if the noises were an intruder and waited to hear any footsteps. There were no footsteps but a rummaging scratchy noise made her curious. So she slipped out of bed and crept into the kitchen to the back door.

Through the glass panels in the moonlight there sat a big fat possum looking in at her whilst munching on a tasty cat biscuit.

The possum still comes to visit regularly. Moon Girl and Mouse now take the cat biscuits inside at night time, but occasionally they forget and the next morning any remnants are gone. The possum also destroyed the chilli bush, but now it is planted under the deck it is growing better. The possum doesn't seem to check in places where you'd expect plants to grow, such as the garden.

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