Friday, June 3, 2011

How Do You Write a Letter Now?

One day in the little house with the long legs down by the creek...

Moon Girl wanted to write a letter. However she didn't have any nice paper so she went to the newsagency to buy a pretty writing set. She looked near the diaries, but there weren't any there. She looked near the notebooks, but there weren't any there either. She looked near the invitations and pretty printing paper but there were still no writing sets. She asked the lady who ran the store who directed her back to the notebooks again. Moon Girl decided this shop wasn't right, so she went to the Australia Post Shop. She thought they would definitely have a writing set, but alas she had no luck there either. So she bought a packet of ten stamps and left.

On the way home she passed a Thrift shop and decided to go inside to buy an old picture book. After a great deal of searching she found just the right book. It was called "The 329th Friend" and was printed in 1979. It had just the right feel to create some lovely writing paper and when she got home Moon Girl made 6 sheets of writing paper and 6 matching envelopes. Then she sat down and wrote her friend a letter.

It's sad that writing letters has become so obselete that you can't even buy a writing set any more. Recieving a message on facebook or by email just isn't as special as a hand written note fetched from your letter box. It's nice to know someone cared enough to put that much effort into it just for you.

Why don't you write someone a letter today? It doesn't take much; just a pen, a piece of paper, an envelope and a stamp.

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